• Civibérica

    We build
    new paths

    We are specialists in the construction and conservation of roads, hydraulic infrastructure works, and civil construction.

    Our services
  • work done

    Work done,
    satisfied customer

    The vast portfolio of works carried out over the past few years is the greatest proof of credibility, quality, and confidence in our work.

    Our portfolio
  • Civibérica

    We are the ideal partner
    for your work

    We have our fleet of machines, equipment, and vehicles that allow us to respond quickly and efficiently to all types of work.

    Our equipment
AB Tyres and its private brand Matrax stand out in international markets
Alves Bandeira establishes a national partnership with Delta Q, Renova, and Mascarilha within its Pontos AB loyalty program
Alves Bandeira strengthens its presence in the Algarve with a new service station in Alcantarilha
Grupo Alves Bandeira honored twice by the Figueira da Foz Firefighters on their 142nd anniversary
Grupo Alves Bandeira distributes hampers, toys, and gifts during “Solidarity Month”
Grupo Alves Bandeira supports the 4th Edition of Connect Your Dots
Grupo Alves Bandeira strengthens commitment to its employees with special gift hampers
Alves Bandeira inaugurates a new station in Casal Novo, Figueira da Foz
Grupo Alves Bandeira promotes leadership training at Military Regiment
Alves Bandeira Opens New Bluemarket Store at Segadães Fuel Station

Latest news

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AB Tyres and its private brand Matrax stand out in...

Alves Bandeira establishes a national partnership ...

Alves Bandeira strengthens its presence in the Alg...

Grupo Alves Bandeira honored twice by the Figueira...

Grupo Alves Bandeira distributes hampers, toys, an...

Grupo Alves Bandeira supports the 4th Edition of C...

Grupo Alves Bandeira strengthens commitment to its...

Alves Bandeira inaugurates a new station in Casal ...

Grupo Alves Bandeira promotes leadership training ...

Alves Bandeira Opens New Bluemarket Store at Segad...

Civibérica in numbers

  • atom / number / 1 atom / number / 0
    Years of experience
  • atom / number / 7 atom / number / 5
    Specialized workers
  • atom / number / 5 atom / number / 0 atom / number / 0
    works performed
  • atom / number / 1 atom / number / 0
    millions of euros of turnover/ year
Commitment and<br>Quality Assurance

Value Proposition

Commitment and
Quality Assurance

We are committed to your project, always respecting the agreed deadlines and the highest quality standards.

Know more
A worldwide reference in the energy and aftermarket sectors

The Alves Bandeira Group

A worldwide reference in the energy and aftermarket sectors

We belong to a group with roughly 50 years of history, which has the trust of more than 15,000 customers worldwide and is today one of the main references in the energy and aftermarket sectors.

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